How to Remove or Delete Vinaora Visitors Counter Link
This post will show you how to remove or delete vinaora visitors counter link ("visitors counter" link at the bottom module that this module shows you the number of your site's visitors). In this case i used vinaora visitors counter 1.7.3 joomla 1.5. And Note that this is Just Sharing All The Things I Know. Nothing else. So here we go... Vinaora visitors counter remove link :
1. Go to folder: modules\mod_vvisit_counter\tmpl\
2. Open or edit default.php file with text editor you favored. :)
3. Go to bottom line until you find these lines:
$html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
$html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
$html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
$html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';
4. Now just delete those 4 lines except for the last line ( DON'T DELETE $html .= '</div>'; )
5. If you prefer not to delete, make it as comment by add // before the line, like this :
// $html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://vina';
// $html .= '" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit';
// $html .= 'ors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" style="border:0px none; text-decoration:none; ">';
// $html .= 'Visitors Counter</a></div>';
$html .= '</div>';
6. Save the file and refresh the browser to see the result.
That's All.